the world in its finest colours
The INTERGEM in Idar-Oberstein is regarded as the leading market place for rare, especially fine gemstones as well as premium jewels. At this year’s fair, from 30 September to 3 October, this status will be underscored with a large selection of fancies.
“Those in search of that special something are sure to find it here,” promises the fair’s Managing Director, Kai-Uwe Hille, adding, “The INTERGEM is the showcase for the local industry. And it specializes in particular in premium, rare gemstones, characterized by particular colours and qualities, which receive their perfect cut here, in the Mecca of the European gemstone industry.” With its globally-active players, Idar-Oberstein truly is the top address for rare gemstone varieties, which are found in these concentrations nowhere else in the world. One example is fancies. “This year we are placing a particular focus on these extremely rare gemstones, including via a fancy lounge,” announces Kai-Uwe Hille.
But what exactly are fancy colour stones? The acclaimed expert Claudio Milisenda, head of the Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung (DSEF), explains: “Within the commercial colour grading system, diamonds with the slightest yellow saturation are the rarest and therefore most precious examples. Colour hues outside of this ‘yellow sequence’ are known as fancy colours. Their worth increases dramatically in line with their colour saturation. The rarest fancy coloured diamonds include red, green and blue examples.”
The term fancy colour is not limited to diamonds, however. “In the trade it is also used for corundum in particular. The corundum variant coloured red by the trace element chromium is known as ruby, the blue variant sapphire. All other corundum varieties are referred to as fancy coloured sapphire,” says Claudio Milisenda, describing the unique natural kaleidoscope.
With its extensive range, including especially fine fancies, it is no wonder that the INTERGEM trade fair enjoys a global reputation. Here jewellers, goldsmiths, creative individuals and manufacturers can find a comprehensive range of numerous unusual gemstones, premium diamonds, precious pearls, designer jewellery and intelligent technology. And: in addition to these rare wonders of nature, renowned experts offer valuable information on the latest gemmological findings, current trade news and the latest trends.
- Ph. Hahn Söhne, Idar-Oberstein Diamond – Half Moon, yellow
- Karl Faller, Kirschweiler Sapphire, multicolor, fac.
- A. Ruppenthal, Idar-Oberstein Set Fancy Natur Brillant
- Hans-Dieter Krieger, Idar-Oberstein Ring, Diamonds – Fancy Light Blue + Pink
- Constantin Wild, Idar-Oberstein Sapphire, orange, antique cushion