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INTERGEM in April 2025 will not take place.

Februar 2025 INTERGEM in April 2025 will not take place. The 40th INTERGEM, scheduled for April 11 to 13, 2025, unfortunately cannot take place due to less exhibitor registrations. Holding the event is not sensible with regard to the appreciation towards our invited professional visitors as well as for economic reasons. Especially for the 40. anniversary of INTERGEM, which serves…

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PRESS – Die INTERGEM rückt ins Frühjahr – INTERGEM switches to Spring

Idar-Oberstein. Die INTERGEM rückt ins Frühjahr! Wichtige Neuerungen gibt es bei der INTERGEM – der internationalen Fachmesse für Edelsteine, Edelsteinschmuck und Edelsteinobjekte in Idar-Oberstein. Um allen Ausstellern der INTERGEM ein besseres Zeitfenster im eng getakteten Messekalender anbieten zu können, wird die INTERGEM vom Herbst 2024 ins Frühjahr 2025 wechseln. Statt wie bisher Ende September/Anfang Oktober, wird die INTERGEM im kommenden…

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03_Violine besetzt mit Osmium, Diamanten und Farbedelsteinen, Osmium-Art am Stand der Oslery GmbH - VincentDommer Intergem 29-09-23 70

PRESS – INTERGEM 2023 ends with a positive trend

Idar-Oberstein. After three exciting days, INTERGEM 2023 held at the Idar-Oberstein exhibition center ended with a respectable success despite the difficult industry environment. 85 exhibitors from 11 countries presented their high-quality jewellery creations and a diverse range of diamonds, pearls and coloured gemstones to the interested trade audience. 1,489 trade visitors from 27 countries came to INTERGEM, 6% more than…

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PRESS – INTERGEM 2023 – Let’s get started!

Idar-Oberstein. Only a few days away - then the doors of Idar-Oberstein's Trade Fair Centre will be opening for the 39th INTERGEM. Trade fair for high-quality gemstones, jewellery and design. With 85 exhibitors from 11 countries it is internationally oriented and visitors who already have purchased tickets often travelling long distances. They are coming from e.g. the USA, Australia or…

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INTERGEM 2023: New exhibitors set accents – ticket sales started

Idar-Oberstein. Additionally to the well-known and highly reputated companies from the region such as Groh + Ripp, Karl Faller, HC Arnoldi we are welcoming interesting and exciting new exhibitors at INTERGEM 2023. Knowledge and expertise about the still relatively unknown element osmium, the rarest precious metal of the world, will be provided by the Osmium Institute and Oslery GmbH. It…

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The Highlights of the 39th INTERGEM in Idar-Oberstein

Idar-Oberstein. INTERGEM at the Idar-Oberstein Exhibition Centre will bring together important players in the jewellery and gemstone industry from 29 September to 1 October with around 90 national and international exhibitors. Top-class names such as Groh + Ripp OHG, Karl Faller e.K., Hermann Grimm KG, HC Arnoldi e.K., Arnoldi International e.K., Kreis Jewellery GmbH & Co. KG, Emil Weis KG…

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Jewellery Show by Katerina Perez 2.0

European top jewellery influencer and gemmologist Katerina Perez already wowed the audience at INTERGEM 2022 with her looks created on the catwalk - skilful combinations of trendy fashion and selected pieces of jewellery. This year, Katerina Perez will initiate a new show in which the exhibitors' unique pieces of jewellery and designs will be perfectly staged and presented to the…

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Catering “Hunsrück style”

Our INTERGEM team proudly announces our newl caterer "Thomas Kreis - Offene Flamme". With his restaurant close to the Historical Pond Loop in Idar-Oberstein, he is known for his typical Idar-Oberstein and Hunsrück (barbecue) specialities. At INTERGEM 2023 Thomas Kreis will offer for example open-flame grilled meat variations like the well-known spit roast (Idar-Obersteiner Spießbraten) and traditional stuffed dumplings -…

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Glas block processing, Guenter Effgen GmbH, Photo©HausmacherArt

PRESS — HartSpröde goes INTERGEM! GemTec is becoming part of INTERGEM!

INTERGEM 2023 is getting a new addition in the form of GemTec - Forum and Exhibition. The name says it all: it is all about innovative technologies, devices, and tools for the gemstone and jewellery industry. The focus will also be on other materials, such as glass and ceramics, as well as their processing and finishing. Professional visitors to INTERGEM…

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INTERGEM 2023: Date of the fair and second edition of “Long Night of Gemstones”

Save the date! The 39th edition of INTERGEM – International trade fair for gemstones, jewellery and gemstone objects will take place in autumn 2023 in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. From September 29th  to October 1st, Messe Idar-Oberstein turns into a popular meeting point for the industry showcasing a wide range of high quality precious and semi-precious gemstones, diamonds, jewellery, pearls and unique…

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